Chaffee County Tactical Team

Chaffee County Tactical Team 2022

The Salida Police Department has partnered with Chaffee County, creating the Chaffee County Tactical Team. The Chaffee County Tactical Team is comprised of law enforcement officers, SWAT officers, Tactical Emergency, and Medicine (TEMS) Medics. Each team member is cross-trained in a variety of fields. As a result, this team is equipped and trained and is capable of responding to a wide variety of disasters, both man-made or natural.

The team regularly attends specialized training programs for rural environments and operations. This team is comprised of highly skilled and motivated professionals from our area agencies.

The Chaffee County Tactical Team has also sought and obtained the assistance of medical professionals to create a TEMS unit as a functional part of the response team in the event of emergency medical needs for both team members and that of innocent victims. The team has various tools and specialized equipment that they train with and use when needed.