2021 City Council Retreat Overview

Photo of S Mountain from local trail

In early April, City Council had the opportunity to hold a retreat in person to discuss 2021 goals for the organization and the community. Councilmembers identified several topics, guided by the determination to preserve Salida’s unique character and focus on positive outcomes.

Mayor P.T. Wood reports:

“The policy work done by this group…continues to elevate our ability to deliver on fiscal responsibility, proactive communications, improving community infrastructure, environmental sustainability, workforce housing, and community safety.  We look forward to taking on these challenges to meet the community’s expectations.”

Councilmembers recommitted to making Salida a safe and livable community and focused on ways to invest in the City’s long-term economy and culture.

Examples from these discussions included affordable housing for residents at every income level, pursuing a new fire station and equipment to protect the community better, and identifying ways to become more energy efficient. Discussions also revolved around transparency and good communication with residents of Salida and engaging actively to get feedback and better understand residents’ needs and values.

Councilmembers also discussed diversity, equity and inclusion practices in relation to the community. They identified ways to help build trust with those from often marginalized backgrounds and provide better opportunities for representation (such as in the workplace). Read more about their efforts

The opportunity for the councilmembers to meet in person after months of virtual interactions due to COVID-19 was inspiring and helped bring renewed energy to meeting Council’s goals.

 “It was really great to have every City Councilmember, the City Treasurer, and senior City staff all in the same room for the first time since our last retreat in March of 2020,” Mayor Wood said.  “COVID-19 may have kept us from meeting in person over the last 13 months, but not from making progress on the City Council’s priorities.”