Meet Christy Doon, Salida’s new Assistant City Administrator

Chrissy Doon with her husband and young daughter

The City of Salida recently hired Christy Doon to the new position of assistant city administrator, where she’ll focus on human resources, housing, special projects as well as be a support to staff and a resource for residents. 

“My first goal is to understand what the department heads and staff feel is missing in the area of human resource management, professional and organizational development, and then find resources to improve those areas,” she said. 

She’ll be working closely with department heads and the city administrator on a number of critical community projects and new legislative items, like the Colorado Family Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) Program.

While new to the role, Doon has an extensive background in government and Chaffee County in particular. For the past 10 years, Doon worked with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs as the south-central regional manager, providing technical and financial assistance to local governments in a 10-county region, including Salida and Chaffee County.  Prior to that, she was a community and economic development specialist for six years with the Department of Local Affairs, Division of Local Government, based out of Denver.

Doon is originally from Columbus, a small town in Montana. Both of her parents were public servants and instilled in her a sense of community and understanding of the role of local government in the lives of residents. 

“Local government is the closest most citizens can get to affecting change in their own lives,” she said. “The ability for anyone to throw their hat in the ring and be elected to serve their friends and family is a huge responsibility many citizens chose to take on. I really appreciate working with those who want to get their hands dirty, develop good policy and make a difference in their communities.”

Doon moved to Salida in 2013 and takes full advantage of the local recreational opportunities. She and her husband love skiing at Monarch with their 3-year-old daughter, spending time on the river, taking their dogs for hikes and participating in the many local events and activities. She also enjoys yoga, gardening and reading a good book at a coffee shop downtown. She teaches two Master’s level courses in government where she tries to instill the values of public service to her students.

“I am very excited to work for the City of Salida,” she said. “I have lived here for nine years and have gotten to know so many wonderful people. I was married at the Steamplant and had my daughter at Heart of the Rockies Medical Center. The success of this community means a great deal to my family and me, and I’m looking forward to being a part of it.