“It’s Been a Wild Four Years”

Headshot of former mayor, P.T. Wood

On November 2, after four years at the helm, mayor P.T. Wood presided over his final City Council meeting.

“It’s been a wild, wild four years - we’ve had fires, we’ve had plagues,” exclaimed Mayor Wood. “There’s been earth-shattering changes in our community. It’s not the same place that it was four years ago, for sure.”

“I think we didn’t always get it right…but thanks to you guys [City Council], and thanks to probably the best city staff that’s ever been assembled – with the support and the commitment to moving the city in a positive direction – we’ve achieved some really amazing, amazing things, and we’ve done it with a smile most of the time. It’s been a heck of a ride!”

“I’m a little sad to be leaving you guys, but I’m a short phone call away. I am not leaving behind my commitment to making Salida and Chaffee County as good as it can possibly be. Truly one of the great pleasures of my life. Thank you!”

As Mayor Wood said farewell, he added, “We don’t know what the next challenge is going to be. But, I have absolutely no doubt that you are up to the task and that you’ll handle it with a smile and with a willingness to get to the core of the issue and solve the problem not in a way that makes everyone happy but in a way that moves the city in a positive direction.”

On November 16, Dan Shore was sworn in as Salida’s next mayor. He previously served as the City’s mayor pro tem under Mayor P.T. Wood.